Apr 19, 2010

Ben Butler & Mousepad in Turku 07.05.2010!

Fri 07.05. Turku, B-galleria
free instore gig, *special electronic set*, start at 6.30 pm!

Fri 07.05. Les Yper Sound - Turku, Dynamo
Full set, DJs: BB&MP + LYS-DJs + Jimmy Jealousy, showtime at 11 PM!

The Berlin-based duo Ben Butler & Mousepad is the new outfit of Joe (from Gay Against You) and Bastian (aka Gtuk). Anyone exposed to the furious shake & pop of pixelated DIY dance fury from either of their other projects should expect excellence. Excellence as in a cloud of pink TV static spreading over psychedelic gradient skies outside the window of your commuter train, analogical lighting bolts blasting in a rainbow coloured Sabbath which burns into the circuitry of your brain like the soundtrack of an old coin-op beat-em-up designed by a crazed cabal of progressive wizards and bearded Sci-Fi savants. Yep, that kind of excellence, like Golden Axe's red dragons invading the hallucinatory dreamscapes of a Philip K. Dick pulp which was never published because it was too weird, and too close to the bone.

Juan (20jazzfunkgreats.co.uk) says:" Bristling and expansive melodic madness..."

Ludwig van Beethoven says: "BB&MP made me regain my hearing abilities."

Phil Collins says: "... but seriously."


FB-event, Helsinki gigs: here